viinex SDK is typically sold as a perpetual license for on-premise deployments.
Licensed features within viinex are inbound media channels. In particular, there are two options:
- direct connection to camera (implemented via objects `onvif`, `rtsp` or `rawvideo` within viinex)
- connection to a video source via a third party video management system (object `vmschan`).
Thus, total license price for a specific deployment depends on the number of cameras connected to viinex directly, and the number of cameras connected via third party video management systems.
The rest of functionality implemented in viinex comes for free.
Licenses are bound to customer’s equipment, i.e. a hardware identifier of the server(s). There’s an option of “floating licenses”: an instance of viinex can be deployed on a local network to run a floating license server. That server itself is still bound to specific hardware. Then, actual instances of viinex configured to run the useful functionality can be deployed anywhere on the network, including containers and VMs. These instances reach out to the floating license server, acquiring a temporary license “leases”, allowing for creation of specific number of licensed objects. When such viinex instance shuts down — the license leases get freed, so another viinex instance can be spun up later with the same objects configured, but in a different VM or container.
Customers are provided with access to a self-service portal where they can manage viinex license keys without participation of viinex personnel. This is to make sure that in case of emergency, like hardware failure, you can get a new license key whenever you need it, any time of day or night.
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